In the last couple of years, we have seen several films being commissioned simply because the scripts were well-crafted. And these films went on to connect with the viewers and garnered box office success – reaffirming the fact that a good script can make a good film! Not surprisingly then, today every producer, every studio is on the lookout for engaging scripts and writers who know screenwriting. This is a sea-change from just about a decade ago when most people didn’t even know what exactly a screenplay was!
Script writing (or screenwriting) is the process of writing stories in the screenplay medium. Script writing is writing down the movement, actions, expression and dialogue of the characters in screenplay, in screenplay format. The process of writing a novel, a poem, or essay, is entirely different than script writing. In order to express yourself effectively for the screen, particular formatting methods are required. Screenplay format is used to express the story visually. Scriptwriters or screenwriters write for film, television, video games, and now even online web series. Script writing can be done for hire or on speculation in hopes to sell their screenplay or find an agent. A script has to take into account the visual nature of film and cannot rely on the imagination of the audience. It also has to take into account stage directions and timing, something that a novelist can overlook. Thus, it is helpful for budding screenwriters to have an overview of the script writing process. They workshop had been designed for aspirants who wished to enter the field, as well as for those who have already done some initial work in it.
The course was live facilitated by Ms. Sampada Malla, Film Writer, Film Maker and Theatre Person.

Ms.Sampada Malla,Film Writer, Film Maker and Theatre Person
Ms. Malla started the first day of session with a General introduction on what Script writing is? To explain the concept, she demonstrated two videos live – which was an Oscar winning Movie and next clip from Joker Movie. She explained the need to understand the various elements of Screenplay Writing and their Fundamentals at initial. Therefore there were series of interaction and point by point she highlighted the way to become a good script writer and the component it holds.
She said writing a screenplay is an extremely rewarding process, but it’s not an easy task. It takes a serious amount of time and dedication to develop a good screenplay, and if your goal is to sell it, completing a first draft is only the beginning. You’ll have to refine the story, often with several more drafts, get an agent, submit your script to studios and producers, and have someone like it enough to risk a substantial amount of money to buy it. Unless, of course, you’re planning to finance and produce it yourself. She explained to write anything, a story is required. What is a story? What are the elements of a good story? How does it keep you hooked to the narrative? These were some questions which were answered. Then the second step is Ideas. Ideas needs to be developed by the writer and also break down their own idea to understand its scope and nature. That lies the second important step. Then, the writer must create a character and get familiar with it. Every story needs a plot and sequence which needs to be created in the next step and every story has a conflict. Not just the conflict, structure, writing sequence, details is the next step and finally one can draft their first screenplay. She also taught the participants how to write a logline and also asked them to prepare their script which she was going to review even after the course completion.
Ms. Malla also shared with them the ways to make their writing be noticed. This course was the most engaging one, as they have already formed a community to communicate Film ideas and script writings and we believe we will get a good scriptwriter in days to come.