This 3-days online course on ‘Essentials of Speaking in Media’ was designed for those participants who want to develop their communication skills and have a career in media; being with an experienced media personality who have been engaged in media platforms and proved her capabilities.
The public speaking session- from 21st to 23rd of August 2020, with Ms. Nishma Choudhary was an extraordinary and very impactful session that provided all public speakers an opportunity to reflect upon their content, ideas, and their speaking ability. The session overall was like a conduit to many from where knowledge passed on and the viewers were able to learn a lot for their personal growth.

Ms. Nishma Choudhary
In the first session, Nishma Choudhary presented the speakers with several presentations and slides. The very first thing she said on the first day of the session was to look-out for own self. Which makes us realize that self-understanding and self-love is the most important thing. Besides self-assurance, for a public speaker, it is a must to take notes on your speech and become the right practitioner.
Self-understanding and its importance
It is a must to do a soul searching to know ourselves. Writing or making a note on our favorite childhood memory, on our favorite foods, worst memory, goals, and unfulfilled desires. These are some of the ways for soul searching. If we do understand these aspects of ourselves, then it will be easier to deliver a speech in the mass. Because knowing these qualities means we also know our flaws, be it while delivering a speech or simply while making a conversation with people. Later, we can work on these flaws and become a better speaker hence.
Recording small outcomes and dealing with fear
Recording whether or not we had our pronunciation correct, whether or not we were fluent in our speech is very necessary. Funnily enough, the recording does not only mean keeping track on your phone, but it also means keeping track of these small achievements inside your brain, or jotting down in your everyday diary.
If in case, we feel as though we do not have the correct pronunciation or feel insecure about our own speech, then it is necessary to throw away that fear of being judged. To keep aside these fears, we need to have a positive mindset–that I can improve if I practice hard, my speech and content delivery can improve overtime– also, keeping track of small outcomes or achievements are some real deal for positivity.
Making proper content and practicing
Good content, fluency, and style do not only mean research and mirror practice. It also means delivering your speech or sharing your content with your friends online or over lunch. Telling them what you are trying to deliver, speaking with as much fluency is equally important. That way, we will be able to practice the right way and even know our flaws while speaking.
Taking care of mental health
Preparing for a speech needs a healthy and active mind. It is never possible if our mind is disturbed. Public speaking is about psychology and you need to take care of your psyche. Not feeding your brain with poor content, surrounding yourself with people who uplift you, talking to yourself positively are some of the best ways to become mentally healthy.
On the second day of the session, Nishma Choudhary talked about our body language and exercises needed to be a good public speaker.
Several body parts involved while speaking and the types of exercises to be done
Body parts involved:
- Ears
- Lips
- Jaws
- Tongue
- Diaphragm
- Lungs
- Throat
- Brain
Types of exercises
- Humming exercises for voice: these exercises are best when performed early morning since we have a deeper voice then.
- Opening mouth for clarity: opening your mouth according to what you speak and not just speaking rapidly means your words will be clearer to the audience.
- Tongue exercise for pronunciation.
- Diaphragm and breathing exercises for pause and hold.
Practicing the exercises
To practice these exercises, you need to consider four main things or otherwise 4Ps:
- Pace: you should not be too fast while practicing these exercises and even when delivering a speech until necessary.
- Pitch: considering your pitch and variations. This helps in sharpening the vocal variety.
- Power: empathizing with each word using a pause.
- Pause: analyzing time for your audiences as well. Making them understand your speech by taking little pauses. Also, a short time for you to breathe.
The third day was focused on the content and connection of the speeches.
Connection depends on:
- Event: whether or not the event where you are delivering your speech is formal or informal. You need to be prepared accordingly.
- Age/gender(multiculturalism): making your speech in a way your audiences enjoy. You need to consider their age and their gender, being polite with your speech, and delivering them with the right content.
- A number of people: you need to know beforehand how many people will be there so that you are well prepared and not get nervous while delivering your speech.
- Content: prepare your content according to what event that is and what kind of people will be there. Consider their profession, age, and gender as well.
Categories of connection
- Connection through content
- Connection through body gesture
- Connection through voice module
- Connection through context
- Connection through courtesy
Lastly, there are various things you need to note. Some audiences can be culture-sensitive. So your speech should be very accepting of every culture as well, it should be non-discriminatory. There can be audiences who are age and gender-sensitive, so consider that too. But most importantly, you need to be very much theme focused and must be very well prepared for your speech.
In addition to this, different other ideas on Communication Skills was discussed which guided participants to master their public speaking skills, and make them confident enough to face the audience and present promptly. As an experienced Media Personality, the participants got the overview to start their career as a Media person and they are really determined to improve their skills and lead further to their dreams.