Many of us say that life is too short. But we should consider that although life is too short, the things we will experience are much more than what we accept. Different stages of our life give us different experiences and moments to feel. Likewise teenage is one of those that gives us astonishing and fabulous experiences. From the beginning of Secondary level to the 10th grade we have been hearing that teenage is the hardest chapter of our life. In Fact, it is the Storm and stress period. But what people think and recognize teenager is a certain period of life where one has great energy, ability, and potential to do many more things and make a difference. Teenage is thus a turning point in one’s life, a period of increased potential skill.
Teenagers, of course! Have a great skill potential because most of the people in this stage become agile, daring, energetic, and optimistic. Well! It is said that something is better than nothing. There comes a feeling of although we cannot do everything, we should try to do something that changes everything. Similarly, nowadays teenagers are becoming more dynamic, as well as competing with each other that is fetching new skills and talent among them. Teenagers actually have a huge potential to expose and invent many things that could lead our nation to the track of development. Day by day we are here listening and being conscious about the discoveries and inventions that teenagers are doing nowadays, reflecting their skills.
Today’s teenagers have the ability to develop creativity skills. Using those skills they are inventing and performing many mind-blowing activities. We can take a look towards the example of the twin brothers of Butwal who have invented robots. This was only possible by their own creativity skill. Likely, some teenagers have the potential to acquire leadership skills. Organizations of different clubs, programs, and camps wouldn’t be successful without the counseling of energetic leaders. In addition, teenagers are most familiar with social skills which are necessary for achieving assertive behavior and negotiating effectively. This is because in life, apart from talent, skill, and money good manners and behaviors also matter especially for teenagers. Teenagers have a higher potential to grab the self-conscious skill that is required to develop ourselves.
InĀ addition, teenagers possess a unique skill that is critical thinking. Teenagers have the potential to analyze the matter, experience it, and assess the factor that can influence. Likewise, after observing today’s generation we can definitely say one of the best skill potential that today teenagers have is creativity skill. A different kind of skill that can bring lots of changes in society and make speechless. This is what actual potential most of the teenagers are having nowadays. To generate new ideas, conceive of something new and build on other ideas is not an easy task. While teenagers are reflecting their potential in it. This is their skill. Even though they are not getting quite the attention they are trying to develop and show many new things. Not only everyone will say teenagers nowadays are moving in the track of development, grabbing the possible opportunities and skill potential.
In conclusion, skill potential in teenagers nowadays is developing gradually and has given hope to the citizens for a prosperous nation. As today’s teenagers are tomorrow’s builders and what skill potential they carry are utilized here, citizens of here can be optimistic about the reflection of today’s teenager’s skill potential for a bright and developed future of the nation.