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Speak Like a Pro!

Public Speaking is a great way to build a network of like-minded people who share your values. It is a very important component of a successful career and life. It can establish your identity and your brand image. Success in public speaking depends on your expression and body language, which helps you to connect with the audience.

When it comes to speaking in front of the mass; public speaking, delivering our presentations at classroom or during several events, conveying what you are trying to say very properly, asking questions even during a normal work room or inside a class, most of us feel very shy or are not confident enough about what we speak or what questions we ask. Not speaking and not conveying your views properly is not necessarily due to introversion, but due to lack of confidence. However, there are various ways in which we can get over these fears.

Ways to get over that fear of speaking 


Just like how confidence is the key to most things, it is the key to letting go of fear of speaking as well. For instance if you are confident about what you say or your answers, then it is likely that even if your answer is wrong, you will be appreciated for saying it. But in that matter, no one should be over-confident about the things they say, it further ruins what is expected of you. 

Being organised 

Planning beforehand what you are wanting to say and the information you want to present is a very good approach towards delivering what you want to. Because that way, you will know what you should be speaking about and what things should be included in your speech. If possible, also visit the place where you’ll be speaking and review available equipment before your presentation.

Practice often

Ask questions at places that you feel most comfortable firstly. It can be at home or asking questions to your parents or practicing with siblings or your cousins. This can give you an insight as to how properly you need to structure what you are trying to ask, reply or deliver. It may also be good to practise with people whom you are less familiar with. Consider making a video of your presentation so you can watch it and see opportunities for improvement. 

Imagine being successful 

Visualise that whatever you are saying is correct and you are confident about it. Imagine that your presentation will go well. Positive thoughts can help decrease some of your negativity about your social performance and it makes you seem more confident towards the audience as well. 

Thus, to become a great speaker, it is a must to practise more, become confident on your own and owning up to what you are saying. Being positive with ownself increases the likelihood of being confident and gives you the strength to speak more properly. To further learn more about how to reasonably speak, you can also take a course “Speak like a Pro” to further flourish your speaking ability.