The year 2020 was full of ups and downs. But along the same line, it was also a year of self-reflection, self understanding, learning more, spending some time with your family, getting to know various other things such as different skill sets, different “online” courses, and moreover, spending enough time gaining more knowledge.
There were various sorts of skills that Glocal After School introduced in the year 2020. Skills that let you go beyond the normal, achieve the unachievable, skills that let you speak about and further makes you a better person.
A lot of skills that people got to learn in the year 2020:
Even at times of COVID-19 the learning process and skills were very fruitfully introduced and conducted by Glocal After School. Among many, the kind of skills introduced were:
- Communication Skills
Communication skill was introduced as a course at Glocal After School. This skill allowed students to learn a lot of things ranging from effective speaking, listening and writing. In fact, being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important life skills to learn. Communication is defined as transferring information to produce greater understanding. Having strong communication skills aids in all aspects of life – from professional life to personal life and everything that falls in between. From a business standpoint, all transactions result from communication. Good communication skills are essential to allow others and yourself to understand information more accurately and quickly.
- Script Writing Skills
Script writing was one of many skills that was introduced. Many believe that any fictional or non-fictional communication can be delivered through a good script. These scripts are especially important for movies, theater, plays, dramas and many more. The main benefit of a good script writer, is that they’re able to guide you through the process while paying attention to the fine details that can inevitably distract viewers from the video’s purpose. It tells the complete story, contains all action in the film and all dialogue for each character. It can also describe characters visually so filmmakers can try to capture their style, look or vibe.
A script is just as vital for a simple video, shot on a minimal budget, as it is for a feature length documentary. Having a script in hand, with every shot and every action planned out in advance, allows the video to be shot relatively quickly, saving on expense. Hence, this skill is also very necessary to learn to know more about how a play is conducted, or to simply make an act about something.
- Leadership Skills
Good leadership skills comprises of more than one or two traits, and there is more to leadership than just knowing the technical aspects of how to manage a team. Effective leaders are many things: determined, ethical, innovative, passionate, kind, curious, focused, confident, collaborative, courageous, wise and empowering.
They are excellent communicators who express themselves equally well in writing and in person. They’re also risk-takers who are able to learn from failures and recover from setbacks. Chances are you already possess several of the above attributes.
They are also very good at handling teamworks, handling their entire colleague, peers or friend circle. They encourage and inspire others to do good and act as a role model for everyone present in the organisation. Thus, leadership skill is vital not only for a workplace or school teams or projects, but also when you are willing to conduct something at home, organise an event inside or outside home or classroom.
Along with these, there are a lot of other skills introduced by Glocal After School or a lot of skills that people got to learn in the year 2020.
Be it simple things like dancing skills, DIY projects, getting to speak in front of a virtual crowd (public speaking skill), exercising and many others. This year was a year of learning more nonetheless.
Saying that, the year 2021 brings a lot of positivity if you don’t allow your emotions to control you. And if you let yourself learn a lot of other skills. No matter if something you learn is big or small, it still adds up to your knowledge and understanding. Any learner progresses only by observing, doing, making mistakes, wrestling ceaselessly with mind-numbing confusion and being egged on to continue the struggle until ever deeper levels of understanding and appreciation of the subject are reached. Learning is therefore the ultimate accomplishment of every human being.