Looking ahead to 2021, all of us know that 2020 was a year full of upside down. The pandemic has enforced new strategies in the workplaces to keep the wheels turning. Remote work became the norm everywhere. It will be no surprise if you say “working from home” was the most heard phrase during the lockdown. While few were lucky to keep up with the virtual work, thousands of people had to lose their jobs and finding a new job was never easy for them.
While some of the companies embrace the remote work model and are keeping it full time, others are physically getting back to their workplace. Whatever the scenario is; one thing is for sure that is- the shift to remote work taught a lot of lessons about the skills needed to be a great employee in a new normal. Therefore, keeping in mind the various skills job providers are seeking in a new employee. Here, Skill Week 2021 is committed to providing real-world practical opportunities for youth in skilling through various workshops.
If you are looking for ways to stand out in a crowd for a job application, it is no doubt that you require exceptional skills, beyond your academic degree and credentials. With the aim of enhancing the best skills in youths. Skill Week brings you a week-long session of capturing skills full of events, creativity, skills, inspirations, and insights which covers the area of skills under the following categories: Art & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality; Science & Technology and Entrepreneurship. From each category, youths can enhance numerous skills that will help them to thrive in the job market.
Category 01: Art and Culture
We have a series of workshops under the category of Art and Culture; Theatre Workshop, Prospects of Filming and Performing, Happiness Workshop, Script Writing, News Writing Workshop and Calligraphy Workshop. From this workshop, youths looking for a career in Art and Culture can gain valuable skills that can lead to a successful future career.
Some of the key skills that you will acquire in Art and Culture are Communication Skills, Critical thinking, Decision-Making Skills, Emotional Intelligence Skills, Acting & Performance Skills, Concentration & Presentation Skills.
Category 02: Tourism and Hospitality
Nowadays, Tourism and Hospitality are gaining wide popularity among youths in Nepal. Tourism and Hospitality are the backbones of financial hubs in Nepal because a huge percent of our economy is dependent on this sector. We bring you a number of workshops in Tourism and Hospitality; Culinary journey from the Chef’s Table, Farm to Fork: An approach to Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Article Writing Workshop and Baking Workshop.
Your participation in these workshops will help you to enhance your Baking Skills, Cooking Skills, Writing Skills, Designing Skills, Time Management, Effective production & Consumption, research and creativity. We assure you that learning these skills in Skill Week-2021 will be all worthwhile if you want to explore career opportunities in this sector.
Category 03: Entrepreneurship
If you are a business enthusiastic and want to make your business idea real, then we have various workshops in the category of Entrepreneurship which will definitely help you in your career path. We have workshops on Agile Mindset, Digital Entrepreneurship, Human Centric Design, Nexus between policy & Entrepreneurship and Ideas into reality.
Engaging in these workshops, you can learn Policy formulation, Business Skills, Entrepreneur Thinking, Technical Skills, Problem-Solving Skills, Innovation and Growth Mindset. Sharpening your Entrepreneur skills will be valuable for you as you walk towards your entrepreneur journey.
Category 04: Science and Technology
With the advancement in science and technology, there is a high demand for skillful manpower to bring new innovations and ideas. Pandemic has more intensified the need for skilled youths in this sector as we move towards the virtual world. So, Skill Week is organizing various workshops like Data Science, Cloud Computing, Financial Literacy, Artificial Intelligence, Flutter Workshop and Microsoft Excel Training to boost your skills in this sector.
Through these workshops, some of the key skills you will learn are Data Analysis, Calculation Skills, Technical Skills, Coding Skills, Creativity, Analyzing Skills and Problem- Solving Skills.
Now, this is a time to monetize the skills you have. Youth skills are basically included in these four categories. These categories are not merely a section, but a platform where youths can explore their skills and ideas. If you question any youth about their interest or career, you will find the answer relevant to these fields.